Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 765

JOHN W. HOLZGRAEFE, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Havana; was born in Hanover, Germany, June 27, 1809; he came to America in 1836, locating first at Boston, Mass., where he worked in the factories of that city some three or four years. In July, 1840, he came to Illinois and located on the farm where he now resides. He was married in Boston, Mass., to Miss Katrina M. Hackmann, May 13, 1837; she was born in Hanover, Germany, Feb. 22, 1814, and came to America the same time as her husband. There were nine children by this union, six of whom are living:  George William, born Aug. 5, 1839; George Henry, Jan. 26, 1842; George Lewis, Feb. 21. 1845; George Brans, Feb. 4, 1848; Charlotte H. (wife of Frederick W. Menke), March 4, 1851; George Frank, Feb. 22, 1854. The deceased are Catherine E., born Feb. 23, 1838, died March 27, 1838; George Frederick, born Aug. 22, 1843, died May 31, 1849; Catharine M., born May 16, 1855, died Jan. 29, 1860. Mr. Holzgrafe owns 120 acres of farm land, and twenty-three acres of timber in Havana Township.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer